Hemoir.com and Hemoirs.com -- Hemoir and Hemoirs
Shemoir.com (No Longer for Sale)
Shemoirs.com (No Longer for Sale)
As of January 28, 2016, no live official trademarks were found on USPTO.gov for the exact terms
We believe that we have just coined two new words (singular and plural), the gender versions of the word "memoir."
At least a cursory glance via Google does not show these words being referred as gender-based memoirs.
However, we are open to giving credit where credit is due.
Either of these coined words could be used as book and/or film titles for memoirs that center on a gender focus, for example, personal LBGT / LBGTQ and sexism issues.
These domains are being sold separately.
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We believe that we have just coined two new words (singular and plural), the gender versions of the word "memoir."
At least a cursory glance via Google does not show these words being referred as gender-based memoirs.
However, we are open to giving credit where credit is due.
Either of these coined words could be used as book and/or film titles for memoirs that center on a gender focus, for example, personal LBGT / LBGTQ and sexism issues.
These domains are being sold separately.
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