-- Omima
Domain for sale on
As of February 28, 2016, one live official trademark (clothing) was found on for the exact term
However, Omima is also an unusual first and last name.
Please consult a lawyer or trademark expert for how this domain may be used in commerce; the existing trademark has been registered since September 2015 for branding clothing, but we have seen no evidence that it is actually being used in the U.S., at least as of March 6, 2016, a brandable domain, could represent an important and profitable business platform, 5 letters short and to the point.
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However, Omima is also an unusual first and last name.
Please consult a lawyer or trademark expert for how this domain may be used in commerce; the existing trademark has been registered since September 2015 for branding clothing, but we have seen no evidence that it is actually being used in the U.S., at least as of March 6, 2016, a brandable domain, could represent an important and profitable business platform, 5 letters short and to the point.
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