-- The Most Interesting
![]() | -- *The Most Interesting ________________________ |
Domain for Sale at
As of March 29, 2016, no live official trademarks were found on for the exact term
The Most Interesting... is a generic phrase which could represent a popular culture or general news blog depicting the most interesting places, stories, celebrities, events, clubs, restaurants, stores, etc.
Caveat: while this phrase is in itself generic, the buyer should avoid parking this domain on a pay-per-click site because there is a well-known trademark on "The Most Interesting Man in the World," owned by the brewers of Dos Equis beer.
This is most definitely a domain for an end user who plans to use it for a category unrelated to beer, ales, or spirits (unless they are ghosts).
Please consult with a trademark attorney or expert for how this domain may be used in commerce without infringing.
Lower case:
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*"The Most Interesting" Digital Painting, copyright 2016, Jennifer Semple Siegel is a generic phrase which could represent a popular culture or general news blog depicting the most interesting places, stories, celebrities, events, clubs, restaurants, stores, etc.
Caveat: while this phrase is in itself generic, the buyer should avoid parking this domain on a pay-per-click site because there is a well-known trademark on "The Most Interesting Man in the World," owned by the brewers of Dos Equis beer.
This is most definitely a domain for an end user who plans to use it for a category unrelated to beer, ales, or spirits (unless they are ghosts).
Please consult with a trademark attorney or expert for how this domain may be used in commerce without infringing.
Lower case:
* * * * *
*"The Most Interesting" Digital Painting, copyright 2016, Jennifer Semple Siegel